Some of The Best Practices of Cloud Archiving

Some of the Best Practices of Cloud Archiving
Some of the Best Practices of Cloud Archiving


Cloud archiving seems like a hectic and time-consuming task for organizations but it doesn’t have to be. Archival data is something that is not regularly accessed and can be easily lost if not properly archived or taken care of.

In this article, we discuss some of the best practices of archiving data to the cloud.

Cloud Archiving Best Practices - Data Retention Policy

Enterprises with well-defined policies for data management often get the best out of cloud-based solutions. For data archiving on the cloud, there has to be a well-defined data retention policy.
Data retention policy highlights how long the data has to reside in the cloud archive. After the prescribed time it can be automatically scheduled for deletion or reuse.

Cloud Archiving Best Practices- Multiple Copies of Data Archive

Cloud archiving solutions can host multiple copies of archival data. So, with these solutions, enterprises can have security on data in the form of redundancy.
Maintaining a digital archive is important for enterprises, with cloud archiving solutions it becomes very easy as there are multiple copies and hence, there is minimal risk of losing data.

Cloud Archiving Best Practices- Ensure Data Integrity

Data integrity can be ensured with secure data transfers to cloud gateway archives. The data is secured in transit. Another option is to transport data physically to the cloud service providers and upload to the data center there instead of doing it on-premises.

Either way, data integrity is maintained. Furthermore, cloud service providers can encrypt archival data and thus the data remains confidential.

Cloud Archiving Best Practices- Know Your Data

The enterprise should be aware of its data that is being sent to the cloud for archiving or storage. Data has to be classified as hot, warm, and cold based on the accessibility of the data respectively.
Data that needs to be actively accessed needs not to be archived because data archiving solutions are purpose-built for long term data retention. Without proper knowledge of the data, there could be bad experiences in terms of data archiving and a resourceful data archiving solution would be of no use.

Cloud Archiving Best Practices- Cloud Archiving Solution Providers

Apart from other functionalities of a cloud archiving solution, it is also very important to know what cloud services are there in the market for cloud archiving and what vendors offer them.
Before choosing from the service providers, it is important to note your own requirements. There could be many requirements like, suitable cost structure, compliance, data protection, and data transfer, etc. so it is best to know what exactly does the enterprise want, before getting a cloud archiving solution.

StoneFly offers a reliable cloud archiving solution that is specially designed for data retention, security, and compliance. It comes with many data archiving services such as; image-based snapshots backups, encryption, unmatched scalability, and a lot more.


Cloud archiving solutions in AWS cloud storage can take the “worry of losing archival data” away from the IT managers. Cloud archiving solutions can operate as per organization-defined polices, such as data retention polices and archival policies. With cloud archiving solutions and with following the above-mentioned practices, data can be made secure in a very reliable and cost-effective manner.